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Name of the trade (linked to the respective syllabus with DGET Website) No. of Units Shifts running ( I / I I ) Seating capacity per unit Total seating Capacity Duration Affiliation date / copy of DGET order link (Scanned)
Electrician 2+2 Ist and IInd 20 40 2 Years DGT-6/4/147/2018-TC Date:- 15/05/2018
Fitter 2+2 Ist and IInd 20 40 2 Years DGT-6/4/147/2018-TC Date:- 15/05/2018

Trade test procedure for the craftsmen training scheme under the aegis of N.C.V.T.

The National Council for Vocational Training (N.C.V.T.) will conduct all India Trade Test (AITT) for award of National Trade Certificate (NTCs) to those trainees who qualify the test.

Trade Test In The Engineering Trades

The All India Trade Test is being conducted by the N.C.V.T. in the following five subjects.

  1. Trade Practical including sessional work.
  2. Trade theory including sessional work.
  3. Vocational science & Calculation including sessional work.
  4. Engineering drawing including sessional work.
  5. Employability skills

The total marks (including sessional) and the minimum marks required for a pass for the different subject in the trade test will be as follows :-

Sl.No Subject for Trade Test Max. Marks of each subject Min. % for pass Min. marks required for passed in each subject Duration of exam
    Exam Sesssional Total      
1 Trade Practical 300 100 400 60% 240 8 Hrs
2 Trade Theory 100 20 120 40% 48 3 Hrs
3 Engg. Drawing 50 20 70 40% 28 4 Hrs
4 Vocational Sc. & Cal. 50 10 60 40% 24 3 Hrs
5 Employability Skills 50 - 50 35% 17 2 Hrs
  Total 550 150 700   357  

Internal examination

Monthly Bimonthly test will be conducted at Institute or As per DGE&T Norms.

Period of final examination : July

1 Morning shift 7 A.M. to 2 P.M.
1 Day shift 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Institution session : August to July